One of the benefits of a corporate working environment are the colleagues you have at your disposal. They are easily accessible to help brainstorm, push through deadlines, or just listen when you need to talk through a problem. However, as a small business owner or a solo entrepreneur, a more creative approach is needed to obtain the advice and counsel that we require.

It didn’t take long for me to realize that I needed to replicate the workplace experience by building my own professional relationships. My solution was to implement an Advisory Committee. An Advisory Committee is a small group of trusted individuals that you can turn to for advice and feedback. They should have a genuine interest in your business as well as a strong desire to help you succeed.

The members and structure of your Advisory Committee should be chosen with careful thought and consideration. A good starting point is to identify your weaknesses and look for people who will be able to help overcome the obstacles you will face. You can select anyone from friends or family all the way to retired CEOs, but be certain that their contribution will be relevant to your business’s needs.

A qualified Virtual Assistant Coach can be your best ADVISOR, because with vast experience in working hands-on with clients, a VA Coach‘s perspective can provide extraordinarily valuable insights. We see the big picture together with the minutia, and adopting simple changes and ideas we recommend can often result in a profound difference to your business.

Most of all…enjoy the comfort of knowing that you are not alone and will always have someone to look to for counsel. You and your Virtual Assistant business will reap the rewards and perhaps one day be able to pay it forward as well.

For the many ways I can help as a sounding board and with ideas for growing your business, please refer to my website: (

If you feel that you are ready to step up to the next level in your Virtual Assistant business, stop trying to figure it all out on your own.

I invite you to take advantage of a FREE special “VA Business Breakthrough” coaching session where we’ll work together to…

=> Create a crystal clear vision for your “ultimate VA business success” and the “perfect lifestyle” you’d like your business to provide.

=> Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging the growth of your VA business and keeping you working too many hours for too little pay.

Just click the link below, let me know a couple of things about your VA business, and then we’ll have a strategy session.

Click for a FREE VA Business Breakthrough Session