Whatever your present level of VA business success, there are always more steps an entrepreneur can take to achieve even better results. There’s no end in sight for business success. You can always earn more money as well as make a bigger difference in the lives of your clients. As an Administrative and Social Media Consultant, I have helped my clients and VA mentees to propel their businesses to the next level.

My clientele consists of smart and successful entrepreneurs who understand what it takes to build a successful business, but even a successful business owner can improve their level of success. Coming up against their own “blind spots”, successful people don’t really know why they are successful. Their self-awareness is lacking. The harder they work in their businesses, the less they can see the forest for the trees.

My declared purpose is to help business owners reach their full business potential by showing them how to streamline their businesses and to teach them the business principles that will get them further on down the road to reaching new goals.

Here’s what I can do for You and Your VA business:

Eliminate the hard work with the help of systems and structures

People can either act intuitively or rationally. Intuition works wonderfully in social situations and when someone is doing something with which they are completely familiar. However, when it comes to business tasks and strategies with which they are completely unfamiliar, their intuition rarely works, which is why it’s important to make decisions rationally.

Productivity is crucial because, without action and productivity, nothing gets done. So it’s important to become highly productive and not waste time with activities that don’t add real value to your business and to the lives of your clients. Implementing systems provides a common solution to repetitious and predictable problems. With a few well-designed systems and procedures in place, you can free up your time and start working on your business instead of working in your business.

Build your tribe of faithful customers

I will teach you the art of bringing people together and helping them achieve their goals. When the people you serve come to love and respect you and are consistently learning from you, they become eager to purchase the products and services you offer. This group of people is known as “your tribe”, and having a tribe is the key to having money in the bank.

Spread your brand—communicate with clients and prospects via social media

Social Media is today essential in business, and I recommend all my clients have a strong presence, with ongoing activity. In some cases, it will replace, and in other cases work alongside, traditional marketing. Effective usage, maintaining, and updating of social media platforms require an intricate knowledge, which I can teach and help you to manage. Best of all, once you have skills in using social media effectively, you can charge higher rates to do the same for your clients.


I’m a successful Virtual Assistant, Administrative Consultant, and Social Media strategist and I’m here to make a difference in the lives of my clients. I can help make a difference in your VA business as well. Let’s make this happen.

If you feel that you are ready to step up to the next level in your Virtual Assistant business, stop trying to figure it all out on your own.

I invite you to take advantage of a FREE special “VA Business Breakthrough” coaching session where we’ll work together to…

=> Create a crystal clear vision for your “ultimate VA business success” and the “perfect lifestyle” you’d like your business to provide.

=> Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging the growth of your VA business and keeping you working too many hours for too little pay.

Just click the link below, let me know a couple of things about your VA business, and then we’ll have a strategy session.

Click to Apply for a FREE VA Business Breakthrough Session