Ultimate Organized VA Business



Rather than a dreaded business expense, help your clients to see your services as an investment in their own success. On or around the 1st day of every month send your clients a ‘snapshot’ of RESULTS you are providing to them. I suggest two reports which help your clients to measure their return on investment (ROI) in what they’re paying for your services. I’ll share my proven report templates and walk you through the steps on exactly how to populate these reports with relevant data. Since clients will regularly assess whether they can afford to continue working with you, providing them with these two reports helps them to visualize, quantify–and best of all–justify their NEED for your services. 

During your one-to-one 60-minute private coaching call, I’m going to show you:

  • How to handle multiple clients with ease and joy;
  • How to stay on top of all your tasks and projects; ensuring nothing falls through the cracks;
  • The BEST productivity tools and how to use them effectively; and
  • The reports your clients will appreciate so they can measure their ROI (return on investment).

Sign up for this opportunity and take your Virtual Assistant Business to the next level!

Here are three simple steps to get started:

  1. Submit Payment of $197 via the online shopping cart or PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/UpscaleYourBusiness/197
  2. Click the link below, let me know a bit about your situation:
  3. When you submit your form in step #2, you will be directed to my scheduling link for your coaching session. 😊
    NOTE: We will meet in my Zoom Room so I can screen share everything I want to show you. The link to access Zoom will be offered in the scheduling link.


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