There is nothing worse.

A potential client reaches out to you who has to talk to you right now about your services—

Like “NOW” (because it’s so important and they need your help).

So you set up a call with them, and you spend time pouring your heart into sharing a ton of useful ideas you can implement which will help them to grow THEIR business.

And they’re giving you great feedback. “Yes! I need that! I LOVE what your amazing ideas. You have been SUPER helpful!”

Then you explain how they can become a PAID CLIENT so you can get straight to the ‘business’ of helping them.

And then what do they say?

“That’s awesome! Let’s do it!

…in a month!

I LOVE what you offer, and you’re EXACTLY what I’ve needed for so long!

…BUT I gotta wait.”

You know the stories because you hear them all the time.

It’s frustrating cause you can’t keep scaling up your Virtual Assistant business if you keep getting ‘freebie’ seekers just looking for a few quick business tips.

You’re getting the life sucked out of you, and you can’t ever seem to enroll enough clients to work with you.

It becomes a total mess.

I get it.

That was how it was for me—FOR YEARS!

Do you ever go to Costco?

I love it there. They have all kinds of great ‘stuff’ I never knew I needed until I thought I might miss out on it if I didn’t buy the ‘stuff’ that very day.

Have you ever noticed how many different stations they have for samples?

You know—the people on the corner of the aisle offering you a sample of something super tasty?

Do you usually do what I do?

I see it, grab the toothpick with the cube of cheese on the end, tell the person wearing the creepy hair net, “Thanks,” eat the sample, and move on…

to the next sample station!

I rarely ever buy what they’re selling unless it’s super awesome—and it’s on sale.

That’s EXACTLY what is happening with your potential clients!

You’re running a Virtual Assistant “sample station,”

and most people could care less about spending money with you.

They just want more samples to keep them going.

The truth is they have no intention of ever becoming your client.

“… And pay you HOW MUCH!?


I’ve gotta think about that,
talk to my spouse,
pray about it,
check my bank account,
sleep on it,
use my psychic powers to draw that exact amount into my life,
and then maybe split up the cost over twelve payments starting AFTER I get results working with you.”

Downright depressing, isn’t it?

They just go from sample station to sample station getting just enough to convince them that everything is going to be okay and that they don’t really need to pay anyone, after all.

Especially YOU!

And you know what the WORST PART IS?

It’s getting WORSE!

I mean, have you SEEN how many Virtual Assistants are out there?

About two years ago when I checked, there were around 250,000 Virtual Assistants—in the U.S. alone!

I checked again just last week and can report that today, there are 326,500! In just two years’ time, another 100,000 Virtual Assistant competitors have come to occupy your space!

Sample ‘stations’ are going up everywhere!

With so many competitors in the Virtual Assistant industry, you’re probably thinking that you’re competing on price alone.

And if that’s what you believe, you probably think that if you just advertise that your Virtual Assistant rates are the most ‘affordable’ or the most ‘reasonable,’ then you’ll attract more clients, right?



The market is training your prospective clients NOT to work with you.

Or if they do—it’s only because your services are the ‘cheapest’ Virtual Assistant services they could find.

And is that how you want to be known? As a ‘cheap’ Virtual Assistant…?

Just think about this…

How many ‘cheap’ clients paying your ‘cheap’ rates would you need to sustain your VA business?

All the ‘newbie’ Virtual Assistants have made the industry even more competitive. And that’s why it’s so hard to charge what you’re worth!

Even if you can get clients—no one is paying you what you should be charging.

Why would they?

There’s another sample station that’ll show up in about three minutes!

The only thing accomplished by keeping your rates low is a long line at your sample station.

So you can serve up your high-end Virtual Assistant services for ‘cheap’ or at a massive discount to endless amounts of people…

who see ‘virtually’ ZERO VALUE in what you can actually help them with.

The good news is it DOES NOT have to be that way. You should not have to deal with “freebie seekers.”

You’re worth much more than that.

Your prospective clients should be at the place where they can’t afford NOT to work with you—before they ever get the opportunity to speak with you.

I’d like to help you to get this fixed, so you don’t have to run a glorified ‘sample station’ giving away your awesomeness to people who want to take advantage of you and get the clients you NEED to take care of your family without working all the time for free (or virtually free). 😊

During your ‘Converting Consultations into Clients’ one-to-one 60-minute private coaching call, I’m going to show you:

  • Effective ideas and strategies to help you establish your credibility in a way that will have your potential clients wanting to work with you even before you ever speak with them!;
  • The exact steps you can use to ‘walk them through’ the process of 1) answering some key questions to demonstrate that you will be able to help solve their most pressing business problems and 2) getting them scheduled for their consultation. (These two simple steps are vital in helping you prepare for and conduct your consultation);
  • How to Conduct Your Consultation;
  • How to Craft Your Proposal;
  • How to leave a lasting impression and make your clients feeling assured and confident that they’ve come to the right person for help! YOU!!
  • The BEST and most compassionate approach to take that will help guarantee a successful consultation—the exact approach I use in my own VA business; and
  • How to ensure they take swift action to work with you–like NOW!

Are you ready to attract the RIGHT leads who truly NEED your help and who will ‘show’ up ready to pay you to work with them? 


How much is it costing you to stay where you are; NOT making the income you deserve, NOT helping the people who need your help, and NOT building the Virtual Assistant business you KNOW you can have?

Don’t wait! A year from now you’ll wish you would have jumped on this amazing opportunity!