You remember the movie “When Harry Met Sally,” right? Do you remember the scene in the deli where Meg Ryan gives an over-the-top performance that got everyone’s attention, and a woman at a booth nearby places her lunch order by saying, “I’ll have what she’s having!” (If you’ve not seen the movie, here’s the clip from YouTube:

Now, I have an over-the-top performance to share with you! I had an amazing year in my VA Business. SO amazing, that if it didn’t happen to me, I’d have a hard time digesting it. My accountant called me as he’s preparing my taxes. He was SHOCKED at the increase in income I’ve had in my business—and how it nearly DOUBLED from the previous year.

My biggest ‘brag’ about all this is that in just ONE MONTH, yes, just one month … I earned a whopping $16,220.00. It’s true (I swear!).

Don’t believe me? I’m going to do something I never thought I would do. Just to prove to you that my claim of earning $16,220 in ONE MONTH is the absolute truth, I am opening my *books to you so you can see for yourself.

*(private information ‘blurred’ of course)

You will notice that these earnings are direct income from support services I provide to my clients…nothing out of the ordinary. Some clients elect to work with me for administrative support and some also use my help for Social Media support, and the same is completely attainable for you to be able to achieve in YOUR Virtual Assistant Business!

Note too that in just this one month I was handed 2 new clients directly from client referrals. In some cases, I offer a credit on services to clients who refer their friends or colleagues. But I’d venture to say that even without any incentive, if my clients did not feel they could trust their referrals would be in ‘good hands’ with me, no matter how much of an incentive I could offer, monetarily or otherwise, their generosity would not be offered up as regularly as it is.

In total, I had 10 referred clients in one year. To further demonstrate the level of success I was able to achieve, I decided to do some additional research and ‘number-crunching.’ The chart below shows the data I gathered. The numbers in the right column show the amount of income each referred client brought to my business: 10 referred clients brought $23,840 of income from clients, and here’s the part I really want you to get…I didn’t have to market to them, they just ‘showed up’ by way of my happy clients!

If you think THAT’S impressive…MOST of these referred clients are still working with me, so the referrals will likely multiply throughout the coming year. Do I worry I may get overwhelmed with too many clients? Nope! Not at all. My business is optimized, systemized, and structured in a way that having too many clients is never a concern, and I teach other VA’s how to do this.

The only ‘downside’ with the amount of income I earned is that I’m now in a higher tax bracket! But ya’ know what? I’m alright with that!

Can you imagine having a Virtual Assistant business like mine? One which has the potential of earning over $16,000 in just one month and almost $24,000 annually in referral business alone? How many Virtual Assistants are killing it like this? My guess…only a select few. Can YOU achieve this level of success in YOUR VA Business? Yes, I KNOW you can!

I’ve been a new VA and I’ve been a ‘struggling’ VA. Through years of trial and error, I could not be more proud of what I’ve been able to accomplish—ON MY OWN. I’ve developed systems and processes to make life easy for both me and for my clients. I know what works, what doesn’t work, how to find and attract the greatest clients that I LOVE working with. I know how to keep my clients happy for years and years, and without ever being asked, my clients share about my services and about the difference I make for their businesses.

I’ve been a Virtual Assistant since 2009, but it took me FOUR YEARS to be TRULY successful. Now that I have ‘systems’ in place, I can keep my favorite clients long-term, I have referrals on a regular basis, and I have ‘predictable’ income with the unlimited potential for more.

And in the years since:

  • I’ve hired and trained a TEAM of Virtual assistant subcontractors which consists of five project managers and three task-based support members assisting my clients and me;
  • I’ve earned SIX FIGURES + (annually)–and my income continues to grow month after month;
  • In addition to the long-term VA clients I work with, I have a steady stream of referrals (a wait list for my services is not uncommon), and I continue to foster relationships and provide consultation when requested;
  • Every year I choose at least one or two Business Mastermind groups to ‘play’ in, which cost in the range of $6k and $10k. (I no longer think of business coaching as a dreaded expense because the advanced level of training I receive always proves to be a worthwhile investment. As long as I implement the advice given—my investment ALWAYS pays off); and
  • Following a considerable vetting process, I am a Preferred Partner of the International Virtual Assistants Association. Membership in this Association is what every VA should aspire to. My programs have been endorsed and promoted by this organization since 2015.

BECAUSE I have been able to accomplish and achieve all I’ve shared with you here, I can focus more on the next ‘logical’ path on my career journey. I’ve been striving to transition from BEING a Virtual Assistant to COACHING my fellow Virtual Assistants.

For quite some time, I’ve been ‘moonlighting’ as a VA Coach and have worked privately with dozens of Virtual Assistants one-to-one.

I receive many requests from Virtual Assistants all over the world who are looking for guidance and advice to help them get started or to maintain their path to a joyful workday and greater prosperity (on every level). I have invested major time, money, and effort creating and optimizing my website and my business, and I’m now able to offer that guidance and assistance to others.

With my experience owning and operating a —very successful— Virtual Assistant business I know the most important and requested topics to cover with the VAs I work with, I have created a course for VAs who are still struggling with many of the same issues I’ve long since ‘handled.’

Click here to read what some of my Virtual Assistant Private Coaching clients say about my coaching.

Let me help you shorten your path to VA business success and happiness.

You may not be looking to have a six-figure VA business…I surely wasn’t. But you may be feeling, just like I was, frustrated with the cycle of needing more and more clients to make a better income. I can help you to get out of that cycle!

I’ve spent years training Virtual Assistants and the #1 challenge I hear repeatedly is the difficulty VAs have in getting their business to grow. If this is an issue you have and you yearn for a MAJOR Business BREAKTHROUGH…

I invite you to take advantage of a FREE special “VA Business Breakthrough” coaching session where we’ll work together to…

  • Create a crystal clear vision for your “ultimate VA business success” and the “perfect lifestyle” you’d like your business to provide.
  • Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging the growth of your VA business and keeping you working too many hours for too little pay.

Just click the link below, let me know a couple of things about your VA business, and then we’ll have a strategy session.

Yes. I am ready for a VA Business Breakthrough!

How much is it costing you to stay where you are; NOT making the income you deserve, NOT helping the people who need your help, and NOT building the Virtual Assistant business you KNOW you can have?

Don’t wait! A year from now you’ll wish you would have jumped on this amazing opportunity!